Can You Safely Use a Weighted Blanket While Pregnant? Tips and Precautions

A weighted blanket can bring comfort and calmness for expecting mothers. This type of blanket can help with the common problems of anxiety and sleeplessness experienced during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should always consult a healthcare provider before using one.

Picking the right weight for the blanket is important. Usually, it is recommended to pick one that is 10% of your body weight. But because of the physical changes that happen in pregnancy, this may need to be adjusted. Your healthcare provider can help you decide what weight is best.

Temperature control is another factor to consider when using a weighted blanket while pregnant. Pregnant women often have high body temperature and changes in their internal thermostat. Breathable materials for the blanket are best so they can get enough air and not overheat. A good option is adjustable blankets with removable covers so you can adjust the temperature to your preference.

For safety, it is important to not use the blanket excessively or sleep under it all night. It is better to use it for shorter periods of time during rest or leisure activities such as reading or watching TV. Also, make sure the blanket does not cause discomfort or restrict movement.

What is a weighted blanket?

A weighted blanket is a special type of bedding. It’s designed to give you a hug-like feeling with its deep pressure stimulation. The blanket is filled with beads, or pellets, evenly spread out in the fabric, providing a comforting weight.

Weighted blankets are good for people who struggle with stress, anxiety, insomnia, or sensory issues. The gentle pressure can help release hormones like serotonin and dopamine, which can improve sleep and relaxation.

Pregnant women might find comfort in using a weighted blanket. The extra weight could reduce joint pain and provide comfort. It may also give a sense of calmness during this delicate time.

Get advice from your doctor before using a weighted blanket during pregnancy. Your healthcare provider can give personalized tips depending on your needs and medical history. Also, look for a blanket made specifically for pregnancy or get help from an expert in maternity products.

Benefits of using a weighted blanket

A weighted blanket can bring many advantages and improve one’s sleep. Firstly, the pressure from the blanket can provide a deeper sense of relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety. Secondly, it can raise serotonin and melatonin levels, thus improving mood and managing the sleep-wake cycle. Moreover, the extra weight can create a comforting sensation, similar to a hug or gentle touch, which can make people feel more secure.

These blankets may be especially useful for people with sensory processing issues, as they give deep touch pressure stimulation. This can create a calming effect for those who have too much or too little sensitivity. The unique design of these blankets offers a cocoon-like atmosphere to relax and rest better.

Pregnancy is another situation where a weighted blanket can be helpful. The extra weight can ease discomfort related to pregnancy, such as back pain or restless legs syndrome. It can also reduce anxiety-related symptoms caused by hormonal changes.

An expecting mother shared her experience with a weighted blanket. She found it provided great comfort, improved her sleep quality, and reduced pelvic pain from the extra pressure. She felt much calmer and more secure throughout her pregnancy journey.

Considerations for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a delicate time, and it’s important for expectant mothers to take their choices carefully. Here are some key things for them to consider regarding weighted blankets:

  1. Safety first: Choose a blanket that is designed for pregnant women. Ensure it is made of non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials, without any harmful chemicals.
  2. Ask healthcare provider: Speak with your OB-GYN before using a weighted blanket. Every pregnancy is different, and they can give personalized advice.
  3. Weight and size: Weighted blankets come in 5-30 lbs. As an expectant mother, pick one that suits your body weight and comfort level. A lighter option may be better during pregnancy.
  4. Avoid overheating: Pregnant women already feel warmer. Make sure the blanket has proper ventilation to prevent sweating and difficulty breathing. Stop using if you experience these.
  5. Blood circulation: The pressure from the blanket can bring relaxation. But make sure it doesn’t restrict blood flow or cause discomfort. Pay attention to numbness and tingling.
  6. Sleep positions: During pregnancy, certain sleep positions are recommended. The extra weight may limit movement and make it hard to maintain the positions.

Every pregnancy is different, so it’s important to listen to your body and consult your healthcare provider. Additional research is ongoing, so stay updated on any risks or benefits associated with using a weighted blanket while pregnant. Stay informed and prioritize safety and well-being for both mother and baby. Consulting with your healthcare provider is essential for personalized advice. Consider all factors to make an informed decision about using a weighted blanket during pregnancy. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Can you use a weighted blanket during pregnancy?

Pregnant mums may be worried about using a weighted blanket. Let’s discover if it’s safe and useful during this crucial period.

  • Relaxation: A lot of pregnant ladies feel comfort and relaxation with weighted blankets, which can lead to better sleep.
  • Security: It is important to pick the right weight for the blanket to avoid any harm to the baby or discomfort.
  • Circulation: The pressure from the blanket may impact circulation in some people. Pregnant women should speak to their healthcare provider before using it.
  • Alternatives: If using a weighted blanket isn’t possible during pregnancy, there are other relaxation techniques and aids that can aid sleep.

It is also wise to speak with your healthcare provider about using a weighted blanket while pregnant.

Emily, who was expecting her first child, shared her experience with a weighted blanket. It helped her relax and reduce anxiety, so she could sleep peacefully with the growing discomfort. This shows that everybody’s experience is different, so it’s essential to prioritize comfort and consult a professional when needed.

Alternatives to weighted blankets during pregnancy

Pregnant women who want comfort and relaxation can try alternatives to weighted blankets. These provide similar benefits without any risk. Options include:

  • Body Pillows: For extra padding and a sense of security. Can help reduce discomfort and promote better sleep.
  • Pregnancy Wedges: Small, wedge-shaped pillows designed to support the belly and back. Help reduce pressure, improve alignment, and enhance comfort.
  • Comforting Materials: Soft and comforting materials such as silk, flannel, or plush blankets. Offer warmth, security, and relaxation without extra weight.

Consult with a healthcare provider before trying anything new. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing and stretching can also help relax the mind and body for better sleep. Lastly, every pregnancy is unique, so it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust accordingly. Explore options to find what works best for you and your baby.


Weighted blankets provide comfort and relaxation during pregnancy. The gentle pressure helps to reduce anxiety and stress. Consult a healthcare professional before use for safety.

Sleep can be improved too. The blanket reduces tossing and turning, so expectant mothers can get uninterrupted sleep.

Not all weighted blankets are the same. Choose one designed for pregnant women with adjustable weight and fabric breathability.

Pro Tip: Avoid using a blanket that is more than 10% of body weight. Don’t cover your belly completely to prevent pressure on the baby.

Final thoughts and recommendations

When it comes to using a weighted blanket during pregnancy, consult your healthcare provider first. Get personalized recommendations.

Green light? A few factors to keep in mind. Weight should not exceed 10% of your body weight. Evenly distribute the blanket for even pressure.

Fabric choice matters. Go for breathable materials like cotton or bamboo. Plus, a blanket with removable covers for easy cleaning.

Listen to your body. Pay attention to any discomfort or changes in sleep patterns. If negative effects, discontinue use or try a lighter option.

Every pregnancy unique. Trust your instincts and seek professional advice. Make an informed decision about the weighted blanket.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you use a weighted blanket while pregnant?

It is generally safe to use a weighted blanket during pregnancy, but it is important to consult with your healthcare provider first. They will be able to assess your individual circumstances and provide you with personalized advice.

2. Are there any benefits of using a weighted blanket during pregnancy?

Using a weighted blanket during pregnancy can potentially offer several benefits, such as reducing anxiety and promoting better sleep. It may also provide a comforting sensation and help alleviate pregnancy-related aches and pains.

3. Is it safe for the baby if I use a weighted blanket?

When used correctly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional, a weighted blanket is typically safe for both the mother and the baby. However, it is crucial to ensure that the blanket is not too heavy and does not restrict movement or cause discomfort.

4. How should I choose the right weight for a weighted blanket during pregnancy?

It is recommended to select a weighted blanket that is around 10% of your body weight. However, during pregnancy, it may be more appropriate to choose a slightly lighter blanket to account for the changes in your body and potential discomfort while lying down.

5. Are there any situations when using a weighted blanket during pregnancy is not advised?

In certain cases, using a weighted blanket during pregnancy may not be recommended. If you have any medical conditions, such as respiratory issues or circulation problems, it is essential to consult with your doctor before using a weighted blanket.

6. Can I use a weighted blanket throughout my entire pregnancy?

While some women may find comfort and benefit from using a weighted blanket throughout their entire pregnancy, others may prefer to stop using it as their pregnancy progresses and their belly grows. Listen to your body and adjust the use of the weighted blanket according to your comfort level.

Kimberly Harness
Kimberly Harness

Kimberly Harness, a passionate sleep aficionado and accomplished writer, lends her expertise to Starlight Blankets, a premier blog in the bedding niche. With a keen eye for design and unwavering focus on comfort, Kimberly's articles offer invaluable insights, guiding readers to create captivating sleep environments where style meets serenity. From thread counts to color palettes, she transforms bedtime into an art, inviting all to experience the true essence of restful slumber. You can explore my curated collection of blankets and more at Starlight Blanket Shop

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