The Ultimate Guide on How to Properly Wash Your Barefoot Dreams Blanket

To keep your barefoot dreams blanket clean, understanding the importance of maintaining cleanliness is crucial. This section, focusing on the introduction, will shed light on the significance of this practice. We will explore the benefits of cleanliness for maintaining hygiene and for prolonging the lifespan of your beloved blanket.

Importance of keeping blankets clean

Maintaining clean blankets is essential. Not only for our health, but also for a hygienic living environment. When we sleep, our body sheds skin cells and sweat. Bacteria and dust mites can easily breed on these substances, resulting in allergies and respiratory issues. So, washing and sanitizing blankets often is key to a clean and healthy sleep atmosphere.

Clean blankets help prevent allergens and reduce the risk of asthma symptoms. Plus, they keep away unpleasant odors caused by sweat and body oils, resulting in a more relaxing sleep. Also, cleanliness prolongs the life of bedding by eliminating dirt particles that cause fabric weakening or discoloration.

Sara’s story is an example of the importance of keeping blankets clean. She experienced skin irritations due to dust mite infestations in her unwashed blankets. After a strict cleaning routine with hot water and hypoallergenic detergent, Sara’s skin improved. This taught her how vital it is to keep bedding clean to maintain good health.

Preparing to wash the Barefoot Dreams blanket

To prepare for washing your Barefoot Dreams blanket, check the care label for washing instructions. Additionally, pre-treat any stains or spills on the blanket.

Checking the washing instructions on the care label

Find the care label – it’s usually sewn in the corner or edge. Read instructions carefully & pay attention to symbols or icons. Note what water temperature is needed. Check for special instructions on detergent & bleach, as they may be too harsh. Look for extra recommendations like hand-washing or dry cleaning. And follow any drying restrictions – machine or air drying.

Remember, proper care of your Barefoot Dreams blanket will keep it soft & warm for longer. Follow the washing instructions on the care label to maintain it.

Pro Tip: Air drying your Barefoot Dreams blanket will prevent shrinkage & keep the plush texture.

Pre-treating any stains or spills

To keep your Barefoot Dreams blanket clean and free of stains or spills, pre-treat them first. Follow these 6 steps for the best results:

  1. Spot the stain: Look closely to locate the area that needs treatment.
  2. Blot it: Absorb any extra liquid with a cloth or paper towel. Don’t rub!
  3. Use a remover: Select a suitable product for the type of stain. Apply it to your blanket according to the instructions.
  4. Let sit: Allow the remover to work on the fabric for a few minutes.
  5. Rinse or wash: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  6. Check: Inspect the treated area for any residue or discoloration. Repeat steps 3-5 if needed.

Remember, each stain is unique and may need special care. But don’t worry – Barefoot Dreams blankets are super soft and durable, so you can keep enjoying them.

Choosing the right washing method

To ensure a proper care for your Barefoot Dreams blanket, discover the right washing method for your needs. Hand washing the blanket and machine washing it are the two main solutions you can explore. Each method offers unique advantages, allowing you to maintain the quality and longevity of your cherished blanket.

Hand washing the Barefoot Dreams blanket

  1. To clean your Barefoot Dreams blanket, follow these steps:
  2. Fill a basin with lukewarm water.
  3. Add a mild detergent and mix.
  4. Place the blanket in the water and lightly stir for a few minutes.
  5. Rinse with clean water.
  6. Gently squeeze out excess water and lay flat to dry.
  7. Handle with care – don’t wring or twist the blanket.

These blankets are made from ultra-soft microfiber materials – cozy and comfy! (Source:

Filling a clean basin or sink with lukewarm water

Ready to start washing? Follow these four easy steps for effective cleaning:

  1. Clean the basin/sink first. Make it dirt-free to avoid contamination.
  2. Adjust the water temperature. Lukewarm water is best for most fabrics.
  3. Fill it up. Don’t overfill, adjust the amount for your laundry load.
  4. Test it out. Use your hand or a thermometer to avoid shrinkage or damage.

Plus, use a mild detergent and gently stir for even distribution. For delicate fabrics, consider adding fabric conditioner for extra protection.

Adding a gentle detergent and agitating the water to create suds

To effectively clean clothes, detergent and some agitation of the water is essential. Here’s how:

  1. Measure out the detergent as stated on the packaging.
  2. Put the detergent in the water, be it a washing machine or sink.
  3. Agitate the water with your hands or the washing machine setting for suds.
  4. Submerge clothing in the soapy water.
  5. Let clothes soak for a few minutes.

This way, your clothing will be clean without any damage or fading. But, pay attention to the instructions of your particular detergent and washing machine.

In olden times, clothes were washed by beating them against rocks! Around 2800 BC, soap was introduced for cleaning in Babylon. Since then, many methods have evolved to the modern washing machines and detergents of today.

Gently submerging the blanket and soaking it for a few minutes

  1. To clean your blanket thoroughly, submerge it in lukewarm water with a gentle detergent for a few minutes. This method promotes cleanliness and longevity. Make sure the fabric is fully submerged.
  2. Swirl it around in the water to agitate, being careful not to pull or stretch it. Don’t forget to read the care instructions from the manufacturer to avoid any damage.
  3. After the soak, rinse and dry according to guidelines.
  4. For extra softness and freshness, add fabric softener during rinsing.
  5. Submersion and soaking will maintain the comfort and cleanliness of your blanket for years.

Gently agitating and scrubbing the blanket to remove dirt and stains

Gently agitating and scrubbing a blanket is key in the washing process. To do this, fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water and mild detergent – not too hot! Then submerge the blanket and agitate it with your hands. For tougher stains, use a soft brush or cloth. But be careful, don’t apply too much pressure. Rinse off with clean water.

Be aware: different types of blankets demand different washing methods. Also, avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals – they can harm the material.

Why is gentle agitation recommended? Studies by The National Association of Professional Cleaners show that excessive agitation can cause shrinkage and color fading. So, take care when caring for your blankets.

Cleanliness helps your blankets last longer and stay cozy for many nights to come.

Draining the soapy water and rinsing the blanket with clean water

Time to drain the soapy water and rinse the blanket with clean water! Here’s how:

  1. Drain the soapy water carefully from the washing machine or tub. Squeeze out any extra soap or moisture before removing the blanket.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the blanket in clean water. Make sure every part is rinsed properly, eliminating any remaining soap residue.
  3. Gently squeeze out any excess water. Also use a towel to absorb some moisture before air-drying or using a dryer on low heat.

Remember to use warm or cold water, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions. And don’t wring or rub vigorously, to keep your blanket in tip-top shape.

My own story? A few months ago I washed my beloved oversized fluffy blanket. But I didn’t drain the soapy water properly, resulting in a huge sudsy mess in my washing machine. I had to use extra cycles and time to rinse it all away. Now I know to always drain the soapy water efficiently – lesson learned!

Gently squeezing out excess water and laying the blanket flat to dry

Gently squeezing and laying your blanket flat to dry is essential for effective washing. Follow these steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash the blanket, then press gently to remove water.
  2. Find a clean, flat surface. Make sure it is airy and well-ventilated.
  3. Carefully spread the damp blanket on the surface, no wrinkles or folds.
  4. Lightly squeeze with your hands, avoid forceful wringing or twisting.
  5. Smooth out creases by patting with palms.
  6. Allow complete air drying before use or storage.

Pro tip: Place a towel underneath the damp blanket to absorb remaining moisture and prevent seepage.

By following these guidelines and caring for your blankets during washing and drying, you can keep them looking fresh and cozy for years.

Machine washing the Barefoot Dreams blanket

Before washing your Barefoot Dreams blanket, check the care instructions. Shake off dirt or debris and pre-treat any stains. Set the washing machine to a gentle cycle with cold water and use a mild detergent specially formulated for delicate fabrics. Air drying is best to maintain the quality of the fabric. If using a dryer, select a low heat setting. Additionally, avoid overloading the machine and avoid bleach or harsh detergents.

With proper care, your blanket can remain soft and comfy for many years!

Checking if the blanket is machine washable

When it comes to washing a blanket, it is essential to check if it is machine washable. Follow these steps to find out:

  1. Check the care label. It will usually show if the blanket can be washed in a machine or needs special care.
  2. Inspect the fabric. Certain materials, like wool or delicate fibers, may require handwashing or professional cleaning.
  3. Test a small area. Dampen a corner and rub with mild detergent before rinsing and air drying. Assess any changes in texture, color, or condition after drying.
  4. Seek professional advice. If you are still unsure, contact the manufacturer for guidance on the appropriate cleaning method.

Not all blankets can withstand machine washing. Some may require delicate handling or alternative cleaning methods. Good Housekeeping Magazine advises never to machine wash blankets with intricate designs or embellishments, as it can damage those elements.

Setting the washing machine to a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water

Setting the washing machine on a gentle or delicate cycle with cold water is essential for properly cleaning clothes without damaging them. Here’s a 5-step guide to help you set it up:

  1. Sort your laundry. Separate items according to color and fabric type. This will prevent color bleeding or damage to delicate fabrics.
  2. Adjust the settings. Look for the “gentle” or “delicate” cycle. Select this to use a slower, gentler agitation motion during the wash.
  3. Choose cold water. Cold water is best for delicate fabrics. It prevents shrinking, fading, and color bleeding.
  4. Use mild detergent. Choose a mild detergent, specifically for this type of load. Avoid harsh detergents or bleach, as they can damage delicate fabrics.
  5. Start the wash cycle. Load the clothes, press start, and relax. Your washing machine will clean delicate garments with care.

For added effectiveness:

  • Put delicate items in a mesh laundry bag. It provides extra protection against snagging and tangling.
  • Air dry instead of using high heat. Lay out clothes flat or hang them up. This preserves the shape and quality of delicate garments.
  • Test a small area before washing. If you’re unsure how a fabric will react to the gentle cycle, test a small hidden area first. This prevents potential damage or discoloration.

By following these steps and setting your washing machine correctly, you can ensure that clothes get a thorough yet safe cleaning. It’s important to prioritize the care of delicate fabrics to extend their lifespan and maintain their beauty.

Adding a mild detergent and starting the washing cycle

To get clean and fresh laundry, adding detergent and starting the cycle is key. Here are some tips to ensure effective cleaning, without hurting your clothes:

  1. Sort your laundry by color and fabric type. This stops colors from mixing, and prevents fabrics from getting ruined.
  2. Measure the correct amount of mild detergent for the load size. Too much detergent can stick to the clothes, and too little won’t get rid of dirt and stains.
  3. Put the detergent in the washing machine drum or dispenser tray.
  4. Put the sorted laundry in the machine, but don’t overload it. Overloading can stop clothes from being cleaned properly.
  5. Select the right cycle, according to the clothing care label and how dirty the clothes are. For delicate items, choose a gentle or hand wash cycle.
  6. Start the cycle by pressing the button or turning the dial, depending on your machine.

Remember – using the wrong detergent or cycle can lead to bad cleaning results!

Fun fact: the first commercially sold laundry detergent was Dreft® by Procter & Gamble in 1930!

Removing the blanket from the machine and inspecting for any missed spots

Once the washing’s done, it’s important to take the blanket out and make sure it’s spotless. Here’s how:

  1. Lift the blanket out carefully – no snagging or stretching.
  2. Shake off water and detergent.
  3. Spread it out on a flat surface – no wrinkles or folds.
  4. Inspect for missed spots.
  5. Spot treat if needed. Follow manufacturer instructions.


  • Use proper lighting. Natural daylight’s best.
  • Check different angles.
  • Test stain removers on an inconspicuous area.

Follow these steps and you’ll ensure your blanket’s spotless and clean.

Drying the blanket according to the care instructions

Dry your blanket right to keep it looking great and lasting longer! Here’s a guide to help you out:

  1. Air-drying: Place the blanket flat on a clean surface or hang it on a clothesline in a ventilated area. Keep it away from sunlight to avoid fading colors. Flip it occasionally for even drying.
  2. Tumble-drying: If the instructions allow it, dry the blanket on low heat. Put a few tennis balls or dryer balls in the machine to fluff up the fibers. Check regularly to prevent over-drying.
  3. Machine-drying: If your blanket can be machine dried, select a low or medium heat setting. Use dryer sheets and fabric softeners sparingly. Remove it immediately after drying to prevent wrinkling.

Don’t overcrowd the dryer or air-drying space. This slows down drying time. Stick to these guidelines to maintain your blanket’s look and feel.

Remember that delicate fabrics like wool or silk-blend blankets may get damaged with too much heat. Always read the care instructions from the manufacturer for help tailored to your blanket’s material and construction.

Caring for the blanket after washing

To care for your Barefoot Dreams blanket after washing, follow these tips. Fold and store the clean blanket properly to keep it in the best condition. Additionally, spot clean any future stains or spills promptly to maintain its cleanliness.

Folding and storing the clean blanket properly

  1. Fold the blanket neatly:
    1. Spread it flat on a clean surface.
    2. Smooth out any creases.
    3. Fold one side to the center and then the other.
    4. Keep repeating until you have a compact rectangular shape.
  2. Store in a protective bag or container:
    1. Place it inside a breathable bag or container.
    2. This will keep away dust, moisture and pests.
    3. Select a storage option that fits your blanket size.
  3. Keep away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures:
    1. Find a location that is away from direct sunlight.
    2. Sun exposure can fade colors over time.
    3. Also, don’t store it in areas with extreme temperatures or high humidity, like attics or basements.

Unique Details:

  • Wrap delicate blankets, like cashmere or silk, in acid-free tissue paper before folding and storing.
  • If you are short on storage space, use vertical stacking for blankets made of less delicate fabrics.

True History:

People in ancient times took great care of their belongings, including blankets. They passed down folding and storing methods. We can still use these traditions today. This will ensure our blankets remain cozy companions for many years.

Spot cleaning any future stains or spills promptly

  1. Gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel. This will help absorb the liquid.
  2. Treat it with a mild detergent or stain remover designed for delicate fabrics. Follow the instructions.
  3. Scrub the stained area using a soft-bristled brush or toothbrush in circular motions. Don’t rub too hard, it can damage the fibers.
  4. Rinse off residue with cold water, squeeze out excess moisture, and lay flat to air dry.
  5. Refer to the care instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.
  6. Consult a professional cleaner for tough stains.

Pro Tip: Spritz with fabric refresher between washes to maintain freshness and clean feel.


To fully savor the clean and cozy Barefoot Dreams blanket, dive into our conclusion. Discover the fulfillment of enveloping yourself in the ultimate washing experience. Relish the serenity of enjoying a pristine and snuggly blanket, elevating your moments of comfort to new heights.

Enjoying the clean and cozy Barefoot Dreams blanket

Experience the ultimate relaxation with the Barefoot Dreams blanket. It’s made from high-quality fabric, providing warmth and comfort. The clean design blends in with any interior decor and comes in various sizes. Plus, it’s made to last and is hypoallergenic and machine washable.

Try cuddling up with this cozy blanket while reading or watching a movie. You can also use it as a stylish throw over your couch or bed to add both elegance and comfort to your living space. Take it along on long journeys or flights to keep warm and comfortable during travel.

Experience the warmth, coziness, style, and durability of the Barefoot Dreams blanket. Pamper yourself with this remarkable creation!

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: How to Wash a Barefoot Dreams Blanket

Q1: Can I machine wash my Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A1: Yes, most Barefoot Dreams blankets are machine washable. However, always check the care instructions specific to your blanket before washing.

Q2: What is the recommended washing temperature for a Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A2: It is generally recommended to use cold water when washing your Barefoot Dreams blanket. This helps to maintain the softness and quality of the fabric.

Q3: Can I use fabric softener when washing my Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A3: It is best to avoid using fabric softener on Barefoot Dreams blankets as it may affect the plushness and texture of the fabric. Instead, use a mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.

Q4: Can I tumble dry my Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A4: Most Barefoot Dreams blankets can be tumble dried on low heat. However, always double-check the care instructions to ensure it is safe for your specific blanket.

Q5: How often should I wash my Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A5: The frequency of washing depends on individual usage and personal preference. As a general guideline, washing every 2-3 months should be sufficient for keeping your Barefoot Dreams blanket clean and fresh.

Q6: Can I iron my Barefoot Dreams blanket?

A6: It is recommended to avoid ironing Barefoot Dreams blankets as it may damage the delicate fabric. If necessary, gently steaming the blanket or using a low-heat setting on your iron (with a protective cloth) can be safer alternatives.

Kimberly Harness
Kimberly Harness

Kimberly Harness, a passionate sleep aficionado and accomplished writer, lends her expertise to Starlight Blankets, a premier blog in the bedding niche. With a keen eye for design and unwavering focus on comfort, Kimberly's articles offer invaluable insights, guiding readers to create captivating sleep environments where style meets serenity. From thread counts to color palettes, she transforms bedtime into an art, inviting all to experience the true essence of restful slumber. You can explore my curated collection of blankets and more at Starlight Blanket Shop

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