The Ultimate Guide: How to Wash Ugg Blanket for Maximum Cleanliness

Cozy up on your couch with your UGG blanket wrapped around you. Have you ever wondered how to maintain its softness? Follow these steps and keep your UGG blanket for years to come!

  1. Firstly, check the care label for instructions. Most UGG blankets can be machine washed on a gentle cycle with cold water and mild detergent. Avoid bleach and harsh chemicals as they can damage the fabric.
  2. Pre-treat any stains or spots. Dab a small amount of stain remover or liquid detergent on the affected areas then launder as instructed.
  3. When done, air dry it instead of using a dryer. Lay it flat or drape it over a drying rack. This will help keep its shape and prevent shrinking or stretching.

Laura from New York had an inspiring story. She accidentally spilled red wine on her UGG blanket during a cozy evening. But she followed the cleaning steps and restored her beloved companion back to its original beauty.

By following these methods, your UGG blanket will remain an enduring source of warmth and coziness throughout all seasons.

Gather necessary supplies for washing the Ugg blanket

Gather the goods! Before cleaning your Ugg blanket, gather the necessary supplies. Here’s a 4-step guide to help:

  1. Use a gentle detergent. Delicate fabrics like Ugg blankets require mild detergents. Avoid harsh chemicals.
  2. Prepare lukewarm water. Fill a basin or tub with warm water – not hot. Hot water could damage the material.
  3. Get soft brushes. Soft-bristled brushes are best for cleaning delicate fabrics.
  4. Optional: Fabric conditioner. Add a small amount of conditioner to the rinse water for extra softness and freshness.

Don’t let fear hold you back from experiencing the comfort of a freshly washed Ugg blanket! Get the essentials together and give your beloved blanket a thorough yet gentle clean.

Preparing the washing area

To effectively prepare the washing area for cleaning your Ugg blanket, clear any debris or dirt that may be present. Additionally, take measures to protect the washing area from potential damage.

Clearing any debris or dirt from the washing area

Remove all objects that could obstruct your washing task. Laundry baskets, detergent bottles and more.

Sweep or vacuum the floor to get rid of dirt and debris. Pay close attention to corners and difficult spots.

Inspect walls and surfaces for any stains or marks. Use a damp cloth with a gentle cleaner to remove them.

Check the drainage system for clogs or blockages. Remove lint and soap residue for better flow during the washing process.

Remember to clean the detergent drawer. Wipe down the washing machine exterior to avoid mold growth and keep it working.

Tip: Place a mat or rug near the washing machine. It will catch drips and keep the area dry. Reduce slip hazards too.

Protecting the washing area from potential damage

Set up a tough, dependable drainage system to stop water from pooling and potential floods.

Use top-notch waterproof materials on the walls and floors to stop water from coming through and causing destruction.

Include adequate ventilation systems to decrease moisture build-up, which can bring on mold and mildew.

Don’t put heavy machinery or stuff close to the washing area to stop unintended damage or costly repairs.

Frequently inspect and keep up the washing area’s hardware and structure to spot any problems early and take care of them quickly.

Plus, keep these additional peculiar points in view:

  • Clean the washing area frequently.
  • Search for cracks or holes in pipes occasionally.
  • Buy strong flooring materials that can handle continuous exposure to water.
  • Think about getting professional plumbing help if necessary.

Pro Tip: To protect the washing area more, it’s a good idea to set up a special storage room for cleaning items separate from the main washing area. This will prevent accidents and keep everything tidy.

Checking the care instructions on the Ugg blanket

Identify the material of your Ugg blanket. Is it wool, polyester or a blend? This will help decide the cleaning method.

Check the instructions on the blanket for washing. Can it be machine-washed? What about detergents or fabric softeners?

For drying, what does the care instructions say? Should you tumble dry, air dry, or lay flat?

Note that Ugg blankets require special care for intricate patterns. Avoid snagging or unraveling threads. As “Vogue” suggests, if in doubt, seek professional cleaning assistance. Carefully following the instructions ensures the blanket maintains its softness, warmth and original charm.

Spot cleaning any stains on the Ugg blanket

  1. Gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb any liquid.
  2. Make a mild detergent solution with warm water.
  3. Dip a clean cloth or sponge in, blot the stain without rubbing.
  4. Then rinse and blot again to remove soap.

Be careful when using bleach or harsh chemicals as these can damage the blanket.

Air dry it flat to prevent shrinkage or distortion.

Prevention is key – keep liquids away from the blanket and deal with stains quickly. Experts have perfected techniques to remove stubborn stains without compromising quality. Spot cleaning Ugg blankets is an art that has been developed with years of research and experimentation.

Pre-treating the Ugg blanket (if necessary)

If your Ugg blanket needs pre-treating before washing, do the following:

  1. Inspect it for any stains.
  2. Blot these spots with a clean cloth or paper towel to remove extra moisture.
  3. Mix warm water with a tiny amount of gentle detergent to make a mild cleaning solution.
  4. Use a soft-bristled brush and scrub the stained parts with the cleaning solution.
  5. Once pre-treating is done, you can go ahead with the usual washing.
  6. Be sure not to use harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can harm the delicate fibers of the blanket.

Pro Tip: Test the cleaning solution or detergent on a small, hidden area of the blanket before using it, to avoid discoloration or damage.

Washing the Ugg blanket

To effectively wash your Ugg blanket, tackle the task with the right approach. Use the appropriate water temperature and detergent, opt for a gentle cycle on the washing machine, and steer clear of bleach or fabric softener. These sub-sections will guide you through the process smoothly.

Using the appropriate water temperature and detergent

  1. Fill a basin or bathtub with lukewarm water.
  2. Add a detergent for delicate fabric.
  3. Gently submerge the Ugg blanket and agitate lightly.
  4. Soak for 15-20 mins before rinsing with cool water.
  5. Avoid hot water and harsh chemicals.
  6. Do not wring or twist during washing.
  7. Check care label instructions on water temperature and detergent choice.
  8. For softness and quality, air dry flat on a clean surface.
  9. This gentle drying will help preserve its cozy feel.

Using a gentle cycle on the washing machine

  1. Check the label on your Ugg blanket for any specific washing instructions.
  2. Place the Ugg blanket in the washing machine with a mild detergent suitable for delicate fabrics.
  3. Select the gentle or delicate cycle on the washing machine.
  4. Set the water temperature to cold or lukewarm.
  5. When the cycle is complete, remove the Ugg blanket promptly and reshape any wrinkles before drying.

Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals and never wring or twist it. Gently squeeze out water and allow it to air dry naturally. To maintain softness, give the Ugg blanket a light fluff in the dryer using a no-heat setting before folding and storing it away.

Following these guidelines will help you effectively clean your Ugg blanket without compromising its integrity or luxurious feel.

Avoiding the use of bleach or fabric softener

When it comes to your Ugg blanket, avoid using bleach and fabric softener. Opt for gentle and natural cleaning agents instead. Mild detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics is best to maintain softness and color. Don’t dry with excessive heat, and handwashing is recommended.

Further steps to keep your Ugg blanket in optimal condition include a vinegar rinse during the rinse cycle, air drying instead of using a dryer, and spot cleaning small stains with a gentle remover or water and mild soap. By following these guidelines, you can keep your Ugg blanket safe and cozy for many seasons to come.

Drying the Ugg blanket

To effectively dry your Ugg blanket, follow these simple steps. Air-drying the Ugg blanket is a gentle and natural option that ensures proper moisture removal. Alternatively, using a dryer on a low heat setting can be a convenient solution, if applicable.

Air-drying the Ugg blanket

For a fluffy and long-lasting Ugg blanket, air-drying it is a must. Here’s a simple guide to do it right:

  1. Remove excess moisture. Gently squeeze out the water without stretching or twisting.
  2. Place it on a flat, clean surface. Spread it out so air can circulate.
  3. Turn it regularly. Flip it to ensure even drying and prevent mold.
  4. Keep away from direct heat. High temperatures can cause shrinkage or damage.
  5. Be patient. Leave it to air-dry naturally. Don’t use artificial heat, it will damage the fibers.

Also, don’t store a damp Ugg blanket as this can cause odors and bacteria growth. To enjoy the softness of a freshly dried Ugg blanket, follow these steps and start air-drying after washing. Enjoy!

Using a dryer on a low heat setting (if applicable)

Drying your Ugg blanket with a low heat setting is effective and won’t damage it. Here’s how:

  1. Place the blanket in the dryer. Be careful to spread it out and not bunch it up.
  2. Set the dryer to low heat. This prevents any intense heat that could shrink or melt the fabric.
  3. Toss in some wool dryer balls. These help dry the fabric faster and keep it fluffy.
  4. Set the dryer for 15-20 minutes. This should be enough time to dry it.
  5. Check if the blanket is still slightly damp. If so, repeat steps 2-4 until it’s dry.


  • Avoid high heat settings.
  • Remove any excess moisture before putting in the dryer.
  • Air dry whenever possible.

By following these guidelines, you can dry your Ugg blanket without ruining its quality or texture.

Folding and storing the Ugg blanket properly

  1. Lay your Ugg blanket on a clean surface.
  2. Iron out any wrinkles for a neat look.
  3. Fold it in half lengthwise, aligning the corners.
  4. Keep repeating the folding until you reach your desired size.
  5. Put the blanket in a dry, cool place, away from sharp objects.
  6. Never use harsh detergents when washing.
  7. Use a mild detergent specifically made for delicate fabrics.
  8. Handle your Ugg blanket with care.


In search of a spick-and-span UGG blanket? Here are the fundamentals:

  1. Examine the care label.
  2. Use a mild detergent & dodge harsh chemicals.
  3. Handle with care while washing.
  4. Additionally, if there are stains, delicately blot them w/ a clean cloth & mild soap.
  5. When drying, air-dry instead of using direct heat sources.
  6. To keep the softness & fluffiness of the blanket, brush it gently after each wash.

There you go!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions about How to Wash UGG Blanket:

1. Can I machine wash my UGG blanket?
Yes, you can machine wash your UGG blanket. However, make sure to check the care instructions on the label and use a gentle cycle with cold water.

2. Should I use any specific detergent to wash my UGG blanket?
It is recommended to use a mild detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics. Avoid using bleach or harsh chemicals as they can damage the blanket.

3. Can I tumble dry my UGG blanket?
No, UGG blankets should not be tumble dried. Instead, lay the blanket flat to air dry in a shaded area. This helps the blanket maintain its softness and shape.

4. How often should I wash my UGG blanket?
The frequency of washing depends on the amount of use and personal preference. However, it is generally recommended to wash your UGG blanket every 2-3 months or as needed.

5. Can I iron my UGG blanket?
No, ironing is not recommended for UGG blankets. The heat from the iron can damage the fabric. If you need to remove any wrinkles, it is best to use a handheld steamer or simply smooth out the blanket with your hands.

6. Can I dry clean my UGG blanket?
While dry cleaning is an option, it is not necessary for UGG blankets. Hand washing or machine washing with proper care instructions should be sufficient to keep your blanket clean and fresh.

Kimberly Harness
Kimberly Harness

Kimberly Harness, a passionate sleep aficionado and accomplished writer, lends her expertise to Starlight Blankets, a premier blog in the bedding niche. With a keen eye for design and unwavering focus on comfort, Kimberly's articles offer invaluable insights, guiding readers to create captivating sleep environments where style meets serenity. From thread counts to color palettes, she transforms bedtime into an art, inviting all to experience the true essence of restful slumber. You can explore my curated collection of blankets and more at Starlight Blanket Shop

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